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Tuesday 3 May 2016 - Day 6
Not much to report today, as I'm still in Pamplona. Tried to stay off my feet in order to rest my blisters. Elvira packed up and headed off about 8am. I left about 9.30 and made my way back to the Vodaphone shop. More complications, and even though things were explained to me 3 times, broken English and my lack of techno savvy made for a tough 20 mins. Fingers crossed it all works until I go home.
At about 11.30, I moved into a private albergue, Casa Ibarrola. Sat outside waiting for about 10 mins and watched as weary pilgrims trudged in the gates and up the hill. This modern albergue has good bathrooms, a laundry, places for packs, boots and capsule sleeping compartments.
Here's my bed...the lower one.
Had a solo dinner tonight, tried a different pinchos restaurant, nice, but missing green vegies...all vegies, really. Sat in the plaza for a while, full of people again. I love the energetic vibe of Pamplona.
Have met some really nice people tonight at the albergue. Plan for tomorrow is to catch the local bus 5km to Cizur Menor and stay there. Hopefully, the next day I can walk again...I'd really like to see the iron pilgrims at Alto del Perdon...fingers crossed.
Thanks to everyone for your support and encouragement...much appreciated.