April Preparation 23 26-27 28 29 30 May 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 June 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12-14 After thoughts
Tuesday 26 & Wednesday 27 April 2016
Home to Viskarret, Spain
Even though I woke very excited, trip Day 1 started slowly with a stroll, a long phone call with Kay and my final gear sort and pack up. Was pretty happy with how it all went.
Kay and I arrived at the airport at the same time and headed for the plastic wrapping booth. This was a new experience for me, amazing that a tiny plastic cutting tool was included for the other end. No troubles getting through check in or immigration and in no time we were enjoying ourselves, rearing to go.
I'd love to report that all went swimmingly as our flights ran to time, no luggage was lost, our experience on the airbus A380 was great, food average and company outstanding BUT catastrophe stuck about 4hours into our first flight when Kay felt a bit sick. She took herself off the loo, only to faint in the confined space, badly spraining her ankle.
The cabin crew had her sitting with her foot raised, though sadly not upgraded to the more comfy area upstairs. Poor Kay spent a sleepless and entertainment-less rest of the flight perched on one of the rock hard crew take off and landing seats. On our arrival in Dubai paramedics whisked us off to the medical centre where a doctor saw Kay. He was keen for her to head to the hospital but she elected to push on and have it seen to after we made all our connections to our first night in Spain.
Long story short, our lengthy journey continued on to Madrid and then Pamplona, with many wheelchair rides for Kay, lots of pain, many discussions about options and much sheer exhaustion. We kept our spirits up having a laugh at how quickly our wheelchair attendants got us through the airport crowds and whisked us through check ins and onto planes.
One exciting, or maybe scary, moment was in Madrid as we passed through the airport security sensors. Kay, being in a wheelchair, was checked individually and set off some sort of drug alarm. We were taken to a free-standing police security booth where she was questioned, luckily having enough Spanish to understand what was being asked. We had kept all her medical paperwork from Dubai and it transpired that something had been rubbed on or injected that set the alarms off. Phew, all good to go! Kay laughed about how I looked like a naughty school child standing outside the principal's office, as I waited and worried outside the police booth.
After about 30 hours of being on the move, we were delighted to be met in Pamplona by Istvan, our host for the night. Kay and her German friend Beate had a joyous reunion and we met Elvira a Swiss woman also staying with us and starting her Camino tomorrow. Here's a shot of Kay's poor foot. Looks a lot like mine in mid-February.
Already feeling a bit queasy after a turbulent, but thankfully short flight from Madrid to Pamplona, the winding 40 minute drive to Viscarret provided yet another challenge. Scenery was spectacular and we saw many cyclist out on the road and even glimpsed a few places where the Camino track was close to the road. Our arrival at Corazon Puro was met with two massive sighs of relief.
Our hosts, Istvan and Barbara, provided a lovely meal and plenty of wine. Our dinner was shared with Beate, Elvira and two Hungarian men who had just completed day 2 of their Camino. Some interesting conversations, with German being the main one...a bit beyond my high school German from 40 years ago! Kay and I were off to our beds pretty early. Room very comfy, hot shower AMAZING, view from balcony suitably rural and both slept like logs to the tinkle of cow bells.
Here's our view.