
Hornillos del Camino to Castrojeriz

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Sunday 15 May 2016 - Day 18

Hornillos del Camino to Castrojeriz - 20km

Had breakfast at the albergue before a 7.10am start. Grey skies but no rain expected. Took off with Ana, but she marched on ahead, intending to walk 10km further than me today.

We climbed out from Hornillos del Camino with the sun appearing from behind the cloud. There was a chilly wind blowing but the temperature was perfect for walking.

Lots of wide open spaces with lush green crops right to the edge of the road. Dotted here and there were the odd tree, stone fence or rocky outcrop. Banks of wind turbines stretched away on both sides. Amazing views. Walked alone and felt strong, though track quite muddy in places.

A step downhill saw the approach to Hontanas, where I stopped for second breakfast. This was a beautiful village, well served with albergues. There was even a swimming pool, though a bit unhealthy looking. I stopped to take a few photos and had my first dog incident...nothing that my waving walking poles couldn't handle.

From here the scenery changed, with rocky hillsides and many wildflowers lining the narrow track. Lots of cycles on this section. Eventually we came out onto a road that lead under the archway of the ruins of the ancient Convento de San Anton. There was a little Spanish man sitting in a van offering a sellos/stamp for pilgrim credentials as well as wooden tau crosses for sale.

I found the next couple of kilometres tough, as my legs and feet were tired, my pack suddenly felt heavy and other pilgrims came racing past like rockets. Accommodation is very tight and I have elected to book ahead each day, if possible. For those that don't book, it's become a bit of a race...no fun in that. Personally, I think there are just too many people on the way. I've heard of experienced pilgrims giving up in disgust and going home. Happy to reach Castrojeriz.

Found my place, Albergue Ultreia, with Brent and Mike waiting outside. What a surprise! Sat and chatted for for 45 mins until opening time.

Really nice place...shower, some washing and the a walk to the bar for a really good lunch with my Perth mates and some ladies from the US and Brazil. On the way back met up with Lorelle, and her friend Jo. They are walking and cycling. Lorelle is from Brisbane and she used to occasionally ride with my cycling group. It's amazing who you find!

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