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Monday 16 May 2016 - Day 19
Castrojeriz to Fromista - 25km
A lovely start to the day with gentle music piped into the bunkrooms. A light breakfast and away just after 7am. Was expecting to walk alone today, but Brent and Mike joined me. They planned to bus forward to Leon, but were unable to get on a bus until the next big town.
After a gentle walk through the sleeping town we walked alongside a Roman causeway before approaching the steep climb which took us back onto the Meseta. This was a tough climb, and I stripped down to my t-shirt by half way up. At the top was a guy with a stand of cool drinks and fruit.
Further along was another enterprising fellow selling fruit for a donation. Bought an apple here. Opposite his table was a lovely flat area with a great view and numerous picnic tables.
Stopped for a late second breakfast at Itero de la Vega. It was shoes and socks off to eat some potato tortilla and then back on the way. This part of the walk was through miles of grain fields with wind turbines off in all directions.
Boadilla del Camino was the 19km point, and where I would have stopped had I been alone. Instead it was a lunch stop before tackling the final 6km of the day.
Most of this section was along the Canal de Castilla, which was very pretty. Brent and Mike were super company and kept me going with lots of chatting. Brent and I have identical between the toes blisters, he's elected to walk the last few days in sandals.
Approached Fromista via a narrow bridge over a disused lock.
Was really struggling by this stage and was happy to find our albergue, Canal de Castilla, hidden away near the railway station. The setting here was not so nice, but the people were okay and our dinner, for €5, very good. Washing was pegged along the fence overlooking the railway line. It was a very hot afternoon and everything was dry extremely quickly.
Lots of chatting time and then a group visit to the pharmacy for supplies. This pharmacist has concocted a number of his own lotions and potions for pilgrims complaints. I bought a pot of his very soothing ointment for blistered feet. Nice meal and then a bit of fun when we couldn't find the light switch to turn lights off in the bunkroom. Met some fun Aussies here, Jackie and Steve, from Bunbury. They've been walking with Helen, Judith's friend. Judith's back problem has caused her to abandon her Camino and bus on ahead to Santiago where she will await Helen's arrival. I'm joining them to walk tomorrow. Feet VERY achy tonight.