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Friday 20 May 2016 - Day 23
Calzadilla de los Hermanillos to Mansilla de las Mulas - 25km
A big thank you to Paul who has been keeping my blog alive after my program crashed. Have been very proud of my efforts to manage it all myself, using my phone... and then the program decided to update and didn't work anymore!
Had a great sleep last night. Helen and I had our window wide open, there's something to be said for fresh air. Woke to a cool morning with thick fog, it was spooky walking through the sleeping town in the dark and fog. This was the first time I needed my headtorch whilst walking.
Jackie, Steve, Helen and I made our way back out onto the plains.This part of the Roman road has much history associated with it, from being a link between gold mines in Gallacia and Rome, use by Ceasar Augustus, and Islamic and Christian armies while on campaign, to ancient and modern use by pilgrims.
Once again, we had the way to ourselves, except for the amazingly active birdlife and a farmer ploughing a field. The road surface was ROUGH and very hard on our feet.
We had 17km to cover before access to food, coffee and the highway. The scenery along the plains was breath-taking and changing all the time. I LOVED this alternate route, for its isolation and stark beauty.
At one point there was an information sign explaining about the Roman road, its construction and uses over time. Nearby were some fenced enclosures where the original could be viewed.
At a track junction where we could see ahead to our destination, we elected to head towards the highway. We got into the village of Reliegos very much in need of food and drink. It was cafe con leche and tortilla for all, then we watched as other pilgrims came limping in from the 'wilds'. It was so nice to sit down and air out my feet.
We headed out to the highway for the 6.5km walk into Mansilla de las Mulas. This section of track was flat and hard, but nicely shaded in places.
I was happy to arrive and get into our albergue, El Jardin. Have been spoilt the last couple of nights, with quiet semi-private rooms...in a 14 bed dormitory tonight.Thankful of a bed and hot shower though.
Once again, had to locate the farmacia/pharmacy to replenish my foot dressings supplies. Luckily, the pharmacies are well stocked for pilgrims and their foot ailments. I've spent a small fortune on medical items! Very disappointed in my feet and their blisters. Feeling very weary and a bit low... have lolled on my bunk all afternoon, curled up in my sleeping bag.
Here's a laugh. While at the pharmacy we all weighed ourselves. I must be the only person on Camino who has put weight on, maybe due to my pastry indulgences. However, I also appear to have shrunk 2cm...how did that happen?