
Puente la Reina to Villatuerta

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Friday 6 May 2016 - Day 9

Puente la Reina to Villatuerta - 18km

Oh, what a night! Seemed to attract odd men yesterday. After our pleasant encounter with our little Spanish man, Becky and I got to share our dinner with a very odd British guy. He wasn't a pilgrim but told us he was some sort of pilgrim support person. He talked his head off and told us how wonderful he was. A bit of a fruit-bat really, and we couldn't get away quick enough.

Becky and I shared our room with a Dutch guy (Hank-Jan)and 2 other fellows we never really met. All went well until about 4.30am when the 2 guys decided to pack up, rather noisily,and head off. Our Dutch roommate then proceeded to thrash about in his sleeping bag, repeatedly launching himself out the door for a cigarette or muttering aloud. Finally nodded off again and then slept in until after 7am. Didn't order breakfast and nowhere in town for food, so left Puenta la Reina tired and a bit hungry.

A long and steep climb to the village of Maneru, where we stopped for some breakfast. An enterprising cafe owner, whose shop was not right on the way, had erected signs and arrows for hungry pilgrims to follow. Shoes and socks came off and we massaged our feet.

There was more climbing to the next village of Cirauqui, which could be seen from quite a distance. It looked like a mirage appearing out of the field of grapevines and wheat (?). The path has, for the last few days been edged with wildflowers...yellow, white, purple and the odd brilliant red poppy.

We didn't stop here, except to visit the pharmacy. Becky had a fall leaving Puenta la Reina and had broken her reading glasses, so needed another pair. Being right on the Camino route, this tiny pharmacy was doing a roaring trade. As we left town, the hillside opposite was cultivated to show the world. This is particularly true of the Camino. My room tonight is with Becky, a lovely Brazilian woman (Ana), a Mexican man (Martin) and a guy from Denmark.

Our path towards the next village saw us cross both under and over the busy highway. A stop was made at a medieval bridge where we met some Korean folk. Once again shoes and socks came off for some massage and I even did a few stretches.

Lunch was at the lovely village of Lorca. It wasn't hard to find where to eat, as the two cafes, opposite each other, were bursting with pilgrims and everyone was sitting out along the narrow cobbled street. I had a beautiful potato tortilla with a bottle of fizzy water. Managed to make a call to Paul from here. During the day, Becky and I had spent some time in company with Alicia, a lovely lady from Florida. She was finding things a bit tough. As we left, she gave each of us a tiny heart on a red ribbon. I felt touched that she had given me one of the precious gifts. It is now tied onto my pack strap.

Our way continued, on weary feet, to Villatuerta. The evening before, I had rung and booked us into a beautiful old albergue called Casa Magica. It came highly recommended by a couple of friends.

This restored medieval building was amazingly beautiful. The stone floor in the reception area was intricate and fascinating. There was a warm welcome and I was amazed and overjoyed to see that our room had actual beds, not bunks. Had a great shower and sat on my bed to relax, massage legs and attend to my feet.

Had a fantastic shared meal for €13, lots of good conversation and laughs. A really sound sleep too...so lovely to be in a real bed. Started raining during the afternoon, expecting a wet walk tomorrow. Really enjoyed staying at Casa Magica . Unisex bathrooms, so caught a glimpse of a couple of guys brushing teeth, clad in no more than tiny travel towels. Struggling with aching feet and some sore lower leg muscles. Getting into a rhythm at last.

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