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Thursday 12 May 2016 - Day 15
Belorado to Burgos - bus, no walking
Was planning to bus, then walk today but could not put weight on underfoot blister. Decided to wave Becky off and catch bus. Very cold and rainy, so headed into the only open cafe and spent a delightful hour with some young pilgrims. One young man gave me a small shell and asked me to leave it at the Iron Cross, further along The Way.
Lots of pilgrims catching the bus today. Happy to find my Brazilian friend, Ana, also waiting for the bus to Burgos.
Lots of accommodation in Burgos, but only 2 albergues. Ana and I hot-footed our way to a tiny private albergue called Divina Pastora where there is room for only 16 pilgrims above a tiny chapel. We were there 30 minutes before opening time and were 7th and 8th in line. Our hospitalera, Alicia (Aleetheea) was lovely but very businesslike, outlining the 3 rules of the albergue: no alcohol, smoking or drugs; silence between 10pm and 7am and everyone MUST shower. Gosh, I laughed at that one. My bunk is the one in the far back left.
Ana and I headed out to explore. The cathedral really defines this city and bits of it can be seen from most places. Pilgrims get a discounted entry and we spent a long time inside. There are so many tiny chapels and large prayer places...almost overwhelming.
Got very cold, so back to Divina Pastora. This albergue has been housing pilgrims since 1466.
Showering was an experience as the two shower cubicles opened onto a tiny curtained area which in turn opened into the small communal kitchen. There was a bit of a musty smell in this albergue and it needed some fresh air. Also a few 'odd' folk staying here.
Ana and I wandered until we found a pilgrim menu dinner place. Our fish was not really cooked. We returned to our accommodation to attend the special feast day Mass in the tiny chapel. The incense was so thick it looked like fog, luckily some of this wafted upstairs. After Mass, the celebrations continued outside, with speeches and music.
As promised, Alicia came to turn lights off at 10pm. The woman under my bunk had a snore any man would be proud of. Ana and I had fits of giggles about this...it was pretty bad. Stuck earplugs in and slept okay.