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Friday 13 May 2016 - Day 16
Even though a few folk were awake, only one pilgrim was brave enough to get out of bed until, at 2 minutes to 7am, Alicia came to rouse us by turning on the lights and playing Spanish religious music rather loudly. We all scurried about getting packed, as we were to be gone by 8am.
I had really nice accommodation booked for tonight at Hotel Norte y Londres, to share with Becky, who had continued walking. Ana and I dropped our packs there to lighten our load for a bit more exploring. Followed the Camino pilgrim trail, but back the other way. Not feeling 100% this morning...last night's dodgy dinner, I think.
Found more churches, located the Deutche Bank so I could cash up and explored the river area. It was really flowing after the rain.
Everything was lovely and green.
Found our way up the narrow lanes to the Castillo, but it wasn't yet open. Ended up in an area beside the old city walls. Lots of cars here, quite busy for an out of the way area.
In the last couple of towns, have started to notice storks on their nests. Many in Burgos, on any high point. Heard one calling today, sounded like a drum beating.
Ana and I took some items to the Post Office to send forward to Ivar, the gear storage fellow in Santiago de Compostela. She managed to get a friendly helpful lady and I got a woman who just wasn't interested in helping me. Ended up with my gear in the wrong sort of box, so fingers crossed that it gets there.
Becky arrived mid-afternoon, covered in mud. She was overjoyed to see we had a bathtub and she had a very long soak. Some downtime and then out to collect a little group for dinner. Hard to find each other and somewhere to eat in the big smoke... much easier in the small villages.
Crook all day from suspect dinner last night. Didn't eat much during day... had bread roll and butter and a small bag of chips for dinner. Lots of noise and activity well into the night. Burgos is so alive!